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check Posted1 7 years ago

Feb 20 Institutions representing Greece's lenders have reached a common position on what is needed to close a review of Greek bailout reforms that might help euro zone ministers agree to send experts back to Athens to conclude the review, German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Monday. "I believe the institutions have a common position and that we will get to a point today where there technical mission can go to Athens so we can get a result," Schaeuble said on arriving to a meeting of euro zone finance ministers. He also said he believed the International Monetary Fund, which has not decided yet if it would take part in the latest Greek bailout but whose presence is required by Germany to continue, will in the end decide to participate. "This programme which we agreed on in 2015 includes the participation of the IMF, but that's a very theoretical discussion. The IMF will be a part of this," he added. (Reporting By Robert-Jan Bartunek and Jan Strupczewski)